Forty-two years ago, Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, wrote, “Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.” He must have been talking about our team's Sandwich Day celebration which passed by pretty quickly.
Yesterday, our culinary expert taught us to prepare different sandwiches in record time. Our team recently shifted to a new office location, and everyone’s favorite place, as usual, has been the kitchen. Coming early for work, we have always looked for healthy breakfasts that don’t require a cooking fuss.
All the following sandwiches we learned to prepare were, first, ready to take a dive into, second, the aroma reminded us of places we’re yet to go and explore, and third, we could store them in the freezer for future use. These were the sandwiches we cannot wait to cook on repeat:
Pinwheel Sandwich

Starting with trimmed slices of bread, flattened using a rolling pin, brushed with a little water to smoothen, and then, sealing three slices of bread together with mayonnaise, butter, and cheese spread, this sandwich came as an undisputed classic. The sauce consisted of mayonnaise, and green chutney sprinkled with salt and pepper, spread over the buttered slices of bread, and rolled and wrapped tightly to keep the layers intact.
Potato Roesti Sandwich

It started off with a spoonful of grated potato soaked in a bath of water, and then all the starch was squeezed out of it. Some butter in the pan was heated and the mixture was placed on top. Watching the lush transformation of potatoes into golden was a joy.
Garlic Bread Omelette Sandwich

As complicated as its name was, the recipe was pretty easy to make. Brushing the bread with butter, and sprinkling chopped garlic over them, everything was tossed brown in the pan containing butter. In a bowl, eggs, salt, pepper, and garlic chunks were mixed and turned into an omelette. Carefully placing this omelette between the sandwiches, and heating it in a slice griller, the dish became a replica of a fluffy plate of goodness.
Coffee House Egg Sandwich

This sandwich was seasoned with a bold dose of finely chopped boiled eggs with a blend of softened pale-yellow butter paste, salt, and pepper added to make it extra-spicy, forming a creamy spread over the bread. Cut diagonally into triangles, the result was a silvery-yellow sandwich filled with a smooth exterior and a softer center.
Potato Capsicum Omelette Cold Sandwich

Picture this - a bowl mixed full of mashed potatoes and capsicum fried on a buttered pan - turned into a tikki and an omelette - elegantly stuffed together between two mayonnaise-spread bread slices - the outcome was - a colorful, tender, fluffy, fast-cooking sandwich, loaded with vegetables and was incredibly easy to feast.
Choco Banana Toast

The chocolate syrup added every ounce of immense depth to the taste - a recipe readily available to soften your days. Just spread the butter on the bread slices on the outside, and chocolate sauce on the inside and top them up with bananas, and put them in a pre-heated slice griller - the result? A marvel of nourishment - a sweet equivalent of your go-to winter jacket.
This day, our plates were filled with food, cooking tips, and much humor. For every question asked, the chef had an answer and proved that we only needed some humble ingredients to make an excellent breakfast. That is one of the bittersweet delights of life it seems - thinking about all the recipes we are going to try only once in our lives - and hoping we are able to replicate the same - wishing we had come across these recipes sooner.
Our team is creating opportunities to bring about important changes everyone is looking for in the kitchen to be maximally healthy. We cannot wait for the world to be introduced to these changes.
Here is our app to start with.